Our vision

At Celereach our vision is to provide a bridge between international innovation and one of the world's fastest-growing consumer and business markets - Brazil.

We are a Brazilian-based company using our extensive expertise and contacts to enable global companies to quickly and smoothly navigate the domestic regulatory environment and begin successfully trading their products here in Brazil.

Over many years our team has become a trusted partner to companies across the globe. We provide advisory services for cosmetics, sanitizers, food and health brands, seeking accreditation and registration for their products from Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency of Brazil) so that they can be distributed in Brazil.

We advise and guide you every step of the way, providing assurance and consultation on how to efficiently gain the necessary registrations to trade in the lucrative Brazilian market.


Why choose Celereach?

Team that accompanies each step of the product regularization process maintaining clear and fast communication with customers, clarifying doubts and seeking solutions that meet the possible requirements of Anvisa and allow the success of the processes.

Specialized knowledge in Anvisa regulations with many years of experience.

Personalized support and guidance throughout the entire registration process, with responsive and accountable communication every step of the way.

Business confidentiality, privacy and full care in handling your products.

Successful track record in obtaining product registrations and operating licenses for national and international customers.

Total independence, our business is entirely focussed on product registration on behalf of our trusted clients. We are not vendors of products ourselves, and therefore operate with zero conflicts of interest.

At Celereach our vision is to provide a bridge between international innovation and one of the world’s fastest-growing consumer and business markets – Brazil.



Contact us


R. Francisco Sales, 119 – Sl 704
Pará de Minas, MG – Brasil

Opening Hours:

Mo-Fr: 09:00-17:00h
+55 (31) 99185-2493

© 2023 Celereach – Your bridge to the future. All rights reserved.
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